<aside> 💡 Kuhn, Popper, Platt


Overview: What is science

<aside> 💡 inductive


cannot prove anything

<aside> 💡 is the process of disproving


operate in the scientific method - a shared way of doing things

Kuhn - Objectivity & Scientific Progress

Objectivity (khach quan)

publicly verifiable

<aside> 💡 Kuhn: scientific measurement can be considered objective, but the selection between competing theories is highly subjective


inter-subjectivity = Consensus of a scientific community >>>> solely objective criteria

Scientific truth:

Consensus of a scientific community >>>> solely objective criteria

Scientific Progress

science - progress

<aside> 💡 Progress is what makes science special


Progress is almost equated with science: Only "real" science makes progress. Economics, philosophy, etc. are not considered science because it does not make "progress".

cause-effect of science-progress is not clear

what is progress?